This week’s best reads

1. @allanschoenberg‘s post this week on B2B Voices was definitely one of my best reads this week. Avoiding the One Cup Approach to B2B Content goes beyond simply promoting content marketing as good B2B practice and examines the need for diversity in using social media to execute on your content marketing strategy.

Allan’s post works for me on a number of levels. Firstly it identifies a faux pas I see a lot of companies making – this is simply that they are using social media in a singular way….as a “push” mechanism for their PR. So what we end up getting via their social media efforts is the same old stuff we saw on the front page or their website.

He’s also identified why this problem crops up again and again, noting three good reasons – the one that stands out to me is lack of content. 

Most importantly are Allan’s suggestions for addressing the “one cup approach” – these are spot on. I won’t re-write his post – read it here yourself.  His points are a great reminder that even when we’ve managed to generate a good supply of unique content, we still need to read and distribute valuable content & resources from outside sources to ensure that our brands aren’t simply syndication services or newswires.

2. Instagram Tips and Tricks – simple, really useful tips for getting more out of Instagram (quite possibly my favourite app!)

3. Comment is Free: Whether the digital era improves society is up to its users – that’s us. I love a bit of comms theory and social media comment – this post is food for thought.

“One thing’s clear: it’s high time we examined the values that are propagated through our tools. We all need to think critically about the information we create, consume and share. We all need to take responsibility for helping shape the world around us.”

Published by Jennifer Reid

Technology marketing specialist focussed on digital marketing, social media marketing, SEO and writing for the web.

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